We are artists and also the producers of our creations. We work collectively and adapt to the roles required to develop our projects.


Jana Serra Sentinella (2000, Peramea)

Trained at the ESAD of Eòlia, Barcelona, in acting, directing, and dramaturgy, at Rose Bruford College, London, with the European Theatre Arts program, and in the Production Training of the Xarxa de Productores, Barcelona, among other courses. She specializes as a teacher of Javier Daulte's training under the guidance of Sandra Monclús. She is part of the young team at RBLS Festival, where she performs the voiceover and scripting for the Podcast LOL. Member and founder of the company Application Rejected. Dramaturgy, artistic direction, and artistic design of projections for Pa amb Tomàquet, el Demà at Maldà. Translator, producer, and performer of UBU REX at Àtic 22 of Teatre Tantarantana. Dramaturgy and performance of Preludi a la Descomposició, Festival Píndoles. Member of the company State of the Arts in London, where she participates in various shows as a visual content creator and performer (How to Build the City, Omnibus Theatre, London. [don't] try this at home, Queens Theatre at the Blueprint Festival, London). She won the first prize for Short Theatre at the Horta Library with the text VERMELL, o la sensació de pesar massa.

Charlie Mills

(1998, Birmingham)

Trained at Rose Bruford College in London in the European Theatre Arts program and at Divaldo Continuo Theatre Company in Malovice, Czech Republic. He is interested in the buffoon technique and took the Buffon Workshops course with The Red Bastard at Surge Glasgow. Currently, he lives in Barcelona and is studying Catalan. Member and founder of Application Rejected. Dramaturgy and actor direction for Pa amb Tomàquet, el Demà. Dramaturg, director, and performer of UBU REX at Àtic 22 of Teatre Tantarantana. Direction and advising for Preludi a la Descomposició, Festival Píndoles. Member of the company State of the Arts in London, where he participates in various shows. He works with the company S&A Creative LTD as a puppeteer, touring throughout England. He has participated in various shows such as Fantastic Tropical Death Gardens at the Jersey Literary Festival, To Sir With Love by Ayub Khan Din directed by Gwenda Hughes at The Birmingham Rep, The Rotters Club at The Birmingham Rep, and An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley directed by Stephen Daldry at The Birmingham Rep.

Paula Castillo

(1998, Hospitalet de Llobregat)

Graduated in acting from Eòlia Escola Superior d'Art Dramàtic. She has complemented her training with courses at Obrador de la Sala Beckett with Simon Stephens, Paco Zarzoso, Javier Daulte, Rafael Spregelburd, Pau Carrió, Lali Álvarez, and Jordi Oriol, and at schools such as La Bobina and Nancy Tuñón i Oliver studio. She holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from Pompeu Fabra University, with the play 'La Línia Vermella' as her final thesis, performed at Teatre Tantarantana in the 23-24 season. She has also completed a postgraduate degree in Production and Management of Festivals and Shows at the University of Barcelona. She participated in the youth play '80 anys sense ella' by the company Mima Teatre. Selected for the 24th Mostra de Teatre at Teatre del Raval, where she won the Revelation Performer Award. She took part in the play 'El Paradís del Relat,' directed by Jorge Yamam-Serrano in the 20-21 and 22-23 seasons at Teatre Eòlia. Currently, she is touring with the play 'Girls like that,' directed by Nan Vidal and Juan Pablo Mazorra, nominated for Best Small Format Show at the Butaca Awards 2022. She has managed communication, press, and production for various companies such as La Maièutica, Càlam, and El Nucli, among others. Since 2018, she has collaborated on the Novaveu profile of Recomana.cat, creating social media content to promote the performing arts. She is the director and presenter of the Fila Zero Podcast.