Us, Application Rejected.

The company was founded in 2021, with the leap towards professionalism just after finishing their studies.

Jana Serra Sentinella and Charlie Mills are the driving forces and creators of this project.

Two artists who meet during their Higher Studies in Dramatic Art, specifically in the specialization of European Theatre Arts, in a district of London while investigating what to do in an artistic sense in the face of a global pandemic.

But it wasn't until 2022 that they were established as an association, with the arrival of their first production UBU REX, a piece created, produced, and directed by the company, which premiered at Àtic 22 of Teatre Tantarantana.

The Network

We work with associated artists; performers, musicians, designers, directors, technicians, assistants, and any discipline that fits within the creative and performing arts, always taking into account the needs of the specific project.

Thanks to this methodology, the company creates a network of artists willing to continue working together, and opens up the possibility of promoting and giving visibility to new projects within this community.

APPLICATION REJECTED is a project in creation and development aimed at promoting experiential, transformative, and conscious theater. Through:
  • Promoting audience participation and increasing accessibility methods. (Relaxed Performance!)

  • Supporting initiatives that enhance the quality of work and therefore its outcome. (check-in & check-out ;)

  • Empowering artisanal and local work and products. (SUPORT YOUR LOCAL ARTIST!!!)

  • Maintaining the rule of the Rs: reduce, recycle, reuse, respect. (ecoansietat)

  • Creating content that challenges conventions and stimulates dialogue and reflection. (artists who do political statements)

  • Working in diversity and promoting the mixing of languages and cultures both in the rehearsal room and in creations. (mixing EVERYTHING)

Application (n) Rejected (adj) - English

Sol·licitud (n) Rebutjada (adj) - Català