Preludi a la Descomposició

Preludi a la Descomposició

A co-production of the Píndoles Festival

Acting and Creation by Jana Serra Sentinella and Franzina Pegenaute

Text by Jana Serra Sentenlla

Direction Advice by Charlie Mills

Puppet Design by Jana Serra Sentinella

Costume Design by Franzina Pegenaute

Sound Design and Music by Jordi and Franzina Pegenaute

Photography by Aleix Pegenaute

Thanks to Xavier Torra and Projecte Ingenu, Jaume Llagostera, Casa Sagnier, and our friends and family.

"The awakening of my spring, yours, and hers. Three personalities, but one mind, become aware of the world around us. Through female characters from past stories, a teenager faces her metamorphosis. And in a midsummer night's dream, goddesses and characters dance and decompose until the buzzing of a foggy head makes us see the pathos we have plunged into. A tale about the fiercest beauty and the most fascinating ugliness, a cry to desire and eccentricity that somehow appeals to the most peculiar aspects of each of us." - Synopsis

"Preludi a la descomposició" is a satire, a story of acidic humor and foul language. This piece explores the internal world of a teenager at the moment of her emotional, physical, and sexual awakening. Through two actresses, who represent the inner voices of this teenager, and a puppet of a fly, which embodies the most absurd and delirious thoughts, we talk about youth's rawness, its decay, and confusion with a humorous and poignant tone.

The play consists of a monologue with two voices and a puppet, designed to be transported in a suitcase and performed in any space. On stage, the two actresses appear with a complete beige outfit and a very long red skirt that can be transformed into a tunic or a dress. There is an out-of-tune violin and a bunraku-style puppet with fly wings and eyes sewn onto a broom handle.

The aesthetic travels towards opposition, dealing with the current moment but referencing classic characters like Medusa and her myth, or Lorca's more realistic Yerma. Through beings punished by their destiny, traversed by their composition, we find similarities with our everyday lives.

The play is selected for co-production and exhibition at the Píndoles Festival in Montjuïc in June 2023. During the same year and in 2024, it tours Catalonia in different unconventional spaces. The play is included in the catalog of educational shows for schools, with activities for students that can be done before and after the performance. Preludi a la Descomposició is performed in various schools in the community, yielding very favorable results with teenagers and teachers.



Language: Catalan and Spanish

Duration: 15 or 30 minuts (for a performance)

Genre: Satire

Recommended Age: +12

Format: Small